Banya 5 – Seattle
When you go to a bigger city, you expect big city things – like a full Russian Banya!

They’ve crunched it all in – real eucalyptus steam room, hot tub, temperate pool, cold dunk, showers, scrubs, rest area, massages….

…. and a SUPER hot banya (russian sauna), with venik!

Bathing suits required as it is co-ed- definitely attracts more of a male population – but the sauna is one of the hottest that I have experienced in North America. So if you love a hot sauna find yourself amongst computer programmers and tech geeks at Banya 5. Thanks for the permission to use your beautiful photos Banya 5.
Sou’wester Lodge – Seaview (Longbeach, OR)

Just freakin’ love this place. I don’t know what else to say but you should check this one out. The beach is there, the mood is great, options for accommodation….. and….

A SPAAaaaaaaa!

Snoqualmie – Salish Lodge and Spa
I should just mention that before the re-boost/continuation of “Twin Peaks” we did make the Peak-Freak trip to where it was all filmed. We had to stop in by Snoqualmie Falls (featured in the opening of the original Twin Peaks tv show). There was a a spa there and since we had just been biking for a few weeks it was time for more spa-time. Here are the results:

A lovely day – the whole spa was very warm – I think I did quite a bit of sleeping!
Another excellent outdoor experience is Doe Bay on Orcas Island!

Another great ‘sleep-outdoors-after-soaking’ kind of place. This one with view.

Everything begins to feel more like home… Vancouver Island… Ocean – Cedars…

… great views reminding you of your isolation ๐

and places to soak….

… and sweat!

Thank-you Washington State!!!
Loyly – Portland
I have now been to both locations – there are a few more pictures of the other below. In many ways Loyly is similar to Banya 5 in Seattle (urban, smaller, condensed, many self-administered services), but this one is much more female client driven. The whole layout really makes for the perfect urban sauna model.

Portland has been such a trendy town. So if you are following the trends then there is a place you must go: Loyly!

The images are a little blurry, but this simple design is effective for getting you that perfect urban sweat.

With two locations in on the Eastside, this is a perfect place to sweat out your hangover from all those amazing local brews!

Loved the scrub room for self administered exfoliation and there are two saunas! one for talking and one for focusing on your sweat!